Expository and evaluative
Album cover art for Beginnings
Good openers
The Ends
Album cover art for Dark Recollections
Originaly written for a docuseries about wounded veterans
Two tracks uniquely classifiable as Epilogues
Album cover art for Liminal Spaces
Evoke an unasy but not entirely ominous feeling
Album cover art for One Hit Wonders
With clear shifts in dynamic and tone, these are built to carry a story from beginning to end.
Album cover art for Pace Without Progress
These create the illusion of movement in scenes that are necessary but not pivotal to the story
Problem solvers
Good for penultimate scenes, where your protagonist reflects on his or her journey through the story
Album cover art for Rolling Up the Sleeves
Getting Things Done
Good for quickly establishing a specific sense of place
Album cover art for Turns for the Worse
Grim developments