No global CSS


Lato 300 400 700 (400 specified as body copy)

Oswald 300 400 600 (400 specified as headlines)

Poppins 400 500 600 700 (Postmodern Pixels and Headline)

Barlow 500


currently horrible red 3D, using inline styling throughout site - change

buttons are now text elements with padding .8 1.25 .8 1.25

text is Lato 700

static #222222, hover #000000

static #bfbfaa / hover #f15f2aff

Ess Grid filters on albums pages follow album layout css, are not affected by local controls

.wvpl-sqmd.waveplayer.wvpl-skin-play_n_wave .wvpl-icon.wvpl-play {color:darkslategrey;}
.esg-nav-by-shortcode {text-align:left;}
.esg-filterbutton {border-radius:0px !important;}
.wvpl-icon .wvpl-play {color:#bfbfaa !important;}
.esg-filterbutton {background-color:#bfbfaa !important;color:black !important;}

.waveplayer.wvpl-skin-play_n_wave {color:#bfbfaa !important;}
.eg-tracks-element-4-a {text-align:left;}

Archive css:

a {color:#1e201e;}

Tracks layout css:

general text:

p {font-size:1.4em;}

waveplayer controls

.wvpl-play {color:#bfbfaa !important;}
.wvpl-duration, .wvpl-position {color:#bfbfaa;}